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-- your humble gamemaster
This blog is a fantasy-roleplaying game. One froat, one vote, that's all she wrote.
Gepetto plays the dragoncite ocarina as he loops the thin gold chain it hangs from around his neck. The melody continues for some time; you all feel relaxed, happy, and somehow ... better. Dane notices his various cuts and scrapes seem to have disappeared.
You are all gathered in the fire circle around the leader and the other one with the red-feather cloak. It's late afternoon. The tattoo ceremonies are over, all of them similar to Twix's, except for the images and the details of what they might do. Heflam's remains a mystery; the leader simply promised Heflam would discover its uses in due time. Dane mutters something about his chi being focused, and the training postures with which he often fills his idle moments have taken on a new precision. He looks pleased. Bombar, meanwhile, has pulled a small, ornately tools leather bag out of the chest. He looks inquiringly at the leader, who grunts, leans over, and whispers something to him. Bombar looks pleased, and slides the small bag out of sight under his clothes.
The guards carry the chest away, out of sight, and other guards feed you dinner as the leader briefs you on the situation while the sun slides out of sight.
"Our bargain is that you rid our island of every last Imperial. This land is a week's walk across its breadth, the same along its height north to south. The Imperials stay to the coast, save for well-armed slaving forays into the interior villages. Most Imperials are at their port on the southern edge of the island, from whence they ship the products of the Smith and slaves as well. There are perhaps 100 troops, and merchants, and slaves at the port. There is also a wizard, an Imperial priest; we cannot see him as we see the others, and he is communion with the dead, so beware.
Your powers are yours to keep in exchange for freeing our island of all Imperials. Should you renege, these same powers will themselves turn against you.
And the next morning, they're all gone. There are no tracks to be seen but your own. They've left you food for a week, and skins of fresh water. They have also left Dane an obsidian sword, Gepetto a quiver of arrows with obsidian heads along with bow made of black wood carved with faces or masks, and Bombar a mace made of wood and blunt stone. Heflam finds no weapon, but there is a small ship carved out of black wood hanging around his neck, and as he touches it, his tattoo tingles.
The dragon seems a little bigger, as he circles above you in the morning light. He seems to like the smoked crocodile bits that Twix feeds him, as you clean up the remains of breakfast and prepare to start your quest.