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-- your humble gamemaster
This blog is a fantasy-roleplaying game. One froat, one vote, that's all she wrote.
Gepetto plays the dragoncite ocarina as he loops the thin gold chain it hangs from around his neck. The melody continues for some time; you all feel relaxed, happy, and somehow ... better. Dane notices his various cuts and scrapes seem to have disappeared.
You are all gathered in the fire circle around the leader and the other one with the red-feather cloak. It's late afternoon. The tattoo ceremonies are over, all of them similar to Twix's, except for the images and the details of what they might do. Heflam's remains a mystery; the leader simply promised Heflam would discover its uses in due time. Dane mutters something about his chi being focused, and the training postures with which he often fills his idle moments have taken on a new precision. He looks pleased. Bombar, meanwhile, has pulled a small, ornately tools leather bag out of the chest. He looks inquiringly at the leader, who grunts, leans over, and whispers something to him. Bombar looks pleased, and slides the small bag out of sight under his clothes.
The guards carry the chest away, out of sight, and other guards feed you dinner as the leader briefs you on the situation while the sun slides out of sight.
"Our bargain is that you rid our island of every last Imperial. This land is a week's walk across its breadth, the same along its height north to south. The Imperials stay to the coast, save for well-armed slaving forays into the interior villages. Most Imperials are at their port on the southern edge of the island, from whence they ship the products of the Smith and slaves as well. There are perhaps 100 troops, and merchants, and slaves at the port. There is also a wizard, an Imperial priest; we cannot see him as we see the others, and he is communion with the dead, so beware.
Your powers are yours to keep in exchange for freeing our island of all Imperials. Should you renege, these same powers will themselves turn against you.
And the next morning, they're all gone. There are no tracks to be seen but your own. They've left you food for a week, and skins of fresh water. They have also left Dane an obsidian sword, Gepetto a quiver of arrows with obsidian heads along with bow made of black wood carved with faces or masks, and Bombar a mace made of wood and blunt stone. Heflam finds no weapon, but there is a small ship carved out of black wood hanging around his neck, and as he touches it, his tattoo tingles.
The dragon seems a little bigger, as he circles above you in the morning light. He seems to like the smoked crocodile bits that Twix feeds him, as you clean up the remains of breakfast and prepare to start your quest.
“They are either hostile, or not.”
Twix turns from his dragon to me. “His name is Chip”, he says, grinning .
“Yeah… can Chip protect us from 50 possibly hostile Imperials? Come to think of it have you ever known anyone who wears Imperial clothing *not* to be hostile? We don’t have much time.” I turn to the old Westingshire stove that has been converted to a smoke signal machine. The code book appears to be simply laid out. I open the stove and some coals are still there from this morning when we first spied smoke coming out of this. I throw in some of the wet wood with some of the dry, take the tarp out and vigorously fan them. “Here kid… fan this like your life depends on it.” I say as I hand the tarp to Twix. Just as he begins to do so, the dragonet reappears and seems to scoff at him… and blows a respectable burst into the stove.
“Great.” I hand the code book to Twix, “I need three words, ok? ‘Danger’, ‘Help Now’… ok? Look those up now.”
Thankfully, he doesn’t argue with me and starts leafing through the book. Meanwhile, I take the 4 bottles of whiskey and set them precariously on the edge of the tower wall, propped up by a few pieces of wood which I brace against the hot stove. The dry wood almost immediate starts smoldering on the side that is in contact with the stove. On the top of the little wood rig I made, I put some kindling and light a slow fire. I quickly smash the chairs and distribute the pieces and the remaining dry wood all over the top of the tower stemming out from below the balanced bottles.
“Page 6 and 10. What are you doing?” Twix says as the looks up from the book.
“Setting this to go off in about 14.5 minutes.”
“Go off?”
“Aye. The top of this tower is going to be roaring in flames in a little bit. Give me the book”, which he seems to have forgotten he is holding. I take it, and start to signal the first word using the crude but simple flue. “If grown men run here from that distance, it should take them about 20 minutes. The top of the tower should be rolling in flames by then and buy us more time as they deal with the fire. If it catches them by surprise enough… I might be able to ‘get’ a few of them. The roof might fall in on a bunch of them”
I turn to page 10 and finish the signal. I look out to the crowd down the beach, and sure enough the ones that were ‘glinting’ in the sun are now in a sprint towards us.
“Let’s go kid.” I say as I go down the stairs. “Shut the trap behind you.”
I seem to have stepped into the middle of an awkward moment as I see Dane, Heflam and Bombor all staring at each other.
“Down the floor trap” I say as I grab a torch. “Armed Imperials are running this way and will be here in about 19 minutes.”
“Huh? Armed Imperials? Why are they running here?” Says Heflam, flailing his pretty handbag. It matches his blouse and brings out his eyes.
“Because I told them to.” And with that, I pick the lock on the floor trap, flip it open and run down the now revealed stairs desperately holding the torch in front of me. “Last one through shut the door behind you please!” I shout out over my shoulder.
The lock can wait. What the heck is going on outside?
I poke my head out the door just in time to see Heflam rushing towards Dane, who is setting the supplies on fire screaming like a crazed harpy.
“What the…”
Heflam reaches the supplies and starts to bat at them with his frilly cape, and eventually Dane joins him.
It’s too late. The crates had dried up into wonderful tinder during their day in the sun and when combined with the packing chaff inside them… they are practically exploding in flames.
I poke my head back into the tower, “Hey kid… Dane just burned our supplies.”
I look back out just in time to see that Dane’s silky pantaloons are also aflame. He notices a bit too late, howls a different howl and starts to roll around in the sand while removing his fancy green garments.
For the first time, I notice the critters all over the beach… a swarm of them… as far as our meager flames can illuminate. They seem to sense the tender and slightly burned flesh of the Dane, because they are all running in his general direction. Just as I notice this, the once again naked Dane yelps a new brand of howl and leaps to his feet from the sand and starts dancing around yet again, batting violently at his crotch in desperation.
“He’s bad luck” I say to no one in particular as I head towards the stairs. I barely break stride as I push past the kid and open the lock with a quick twist of my whisk tine.
The whiz of the dart going by my ear startles me and thunks into the wall just past Twix.
“I guess we need to be more careful?”
With the flint and driftwood, a fire was easy. Little talking is had during our meal of hardtac and pork leather. The fresh stream water was easily the most sumptuous part of it, but we all choked down as much as possible not knowing ‘where our next meal was coming from’.
Surprisingly, the 12 inch dragon ate as much as the newly awakened fat man named Bombor. He never left Twix arm the entire time. Curious.
Bombor is a large man. Too bad, because all the vibrant silk clothing that would replace our storm ripped tatters was made for women. The rest of us managed a good semblance of fit… but not Bombor. He ended up simply wrapping the saffron bolt of cloth around himself a few times as would a holy man of Bas. Heflam tied some shirts and pant together to make a crude pack, placing the more useful utensils into it.
“What a bunch of poofters” despite my comment, I can’t help laughing. We look ridiculous. 4 cross dressers and an obese monk staring at each other on the beach in the late afternoon. Oh, and one (admittedly cute) dragon. Dane seems much less taken by the dragon then the rest of us. Wary, would be more accurate.
I grab a cheap whisk, one of the utensils deemed useless and left out of Heflam's pack. “I’m going in the tower… it will be nicer in there tonight then out here on the beach”.
“You can’t, its locked. I –really- tried to open it before”, whines Twix, but I ignore him and go to the door. I’ve never had much trouble with locks… you just need to be gentle with them and they usually want to open up for you. I put the bent end of a whisk tine in the keyhole and gently probe the interior. This lock feels different from others. The mechanism is mushy, not solid. Like feels like flesh.
With a “cluck” like a tongue coming off the roof of the mouth, the lock opens.
The door opens.
I turn to the 4 of them, “let’s go..” and am cut off as Twix rushes past me through the door.
Dane Greenhelm, waterlogged swordsman, staggers up the beach to join the rest of you. He is sunburned and gull-pecked. His clothing is in shreds. He looks almost as bad as the rest of you, and Gepetto grabs a rock as he approaches, looking like a wild beast. But his voice is clear and his language the Common Tongue of the Northern Empire, as he asks you for water and gulps it down greedily. And he and Heflam appear to know each other, but for the moment neither says how.
Gepetto returns his attention to the crate, which spills out an enormous pile of sumptuous silk garments. Pants, shirts, hooded cloaks, capes, robes, scarves, and long bolts of the stuff, dyed intense shades of every color, and embroidered in gold and silver thread. It must have cost a fortune.
There are several more crates and several barrels. As you all gather them together and open them up with rocks, you find pots, pans, silverware, small cooking knives, and other kitchen goods. It's all made of cheap metal, and none of it can be used as weapons, alas. There's also a few sets of flint and steel for lighting fires. The barrels all turn out to be filled with ship's provisions -- ship's biscuit (a really, really hard form of bread), and leathery salt pork that needs to be boiled to be edible.
It's midafternoon. You're all very hungry.
Twix happens to open the first salt pork barrel. As his arms are in the barrel up to the elbows digging through the contents, there is a sudden shriek from above, and a small shape plunges from the top of the smokestack like a little silver lightning bolt. The small winged lizard, for that is what it is, alights precisely on Twix's forearm. It weighs almost nothing, Twix notices, and it looks like a tiny little silver dragon, about twelve inches from nose to tail with a wingspan about the same. It wraps its tail around Twix's forearm as he holds a piece of salt pork in his other hand. It looks intently at the pork, then looks earnestly at Twix's face and cheeps politely at him.
Twix bangs on the top, as I kick the side edge of the crate. It looks to me like he is driving the nails in further with that rock, but enough banging ought to eventually shatter the wood, so I don’t tell him to stop. In between kicks, I glance at the tower, “Well that’s dumb”.
“Whaddya mean”, Heflam looks at me.
“Nobody builds a structure in the sand on a beach. The water will quickly erode it, if it isn’t washed away in a grand storm. I mean, sand –was- rock, right?” Heflam grunts as he flips over the body of the sailor.
“Unless iss magic”. Twix says. He bangs his rock one more time and stops. “Unless iss MA-GIC” as he turns and stares at the structure. A wild grin infects his face. He suddenly drops the rock, bolts up the steps and attempts to open the door. The lock halts his progress but not his enthusiasm as he alternately tries the handle and just pushing on the wood.
“It’s a magic tower! It is! I know it!!”
I had assumed the sailor was dead. His bloated form reminded me of others I had seen fished out of the river on a regular basis at home. This bloated dead sailor was moving though.
Natural bloat, not dead guy bloat.
Heflam slaps his face (none too kindly if you ask me) and the bloated fellow sputters a bit.
Good enough for me.
I again kick the crate… which appears to finally loosen one side!
One more kick on the lip of the crate and it comes open.
“Hey guys… look at this” I say.
Just as I am looking up to see their reactions, I see a horrendous site: a violent native assailant coming around the other side of the tower. His appearance is grotesque as he is disheveled, dirty and covered in vomit, sea jetsam and kelp. He is naked with mutilation all over his body and most notably on his genitalia. He is using a guttural incantation of some sort while waving his arms in what appears to be a summoning or spell.
I quickly duck behind the crate and pick up the rock Twix had previously dropped, ready to defend myself.