Thursday, May 1, 2008

Turn 5 - Heflam

I come to.

Last thing I remember.... Gepetto leads us down the stairwell, dark as dark can be. I was second to last. The light from the kid's torch was always a faint glow that bounced off the ever-turning wall before me. Bombor shut the trap door behind me.

Then.... Falling.... Did the stairs collapse? Did they just vanish? I don't know. My back hurts. So does my front. Bombor must have fallen on me.

Can't see much. Still pretty damned dark. I hear splashing - but not like the ocean.

I sit up with an inadvertent groan - which reverberates through the chamber. It's a long and wide corridor, all stone. The far end glimmers green and blue, and a trio of men draw from what seems to be a passing stream. Here? Is it man-made?

I grab my man-bag and get to my feet. Squinting, I stride in their direction. The floor lurches up at me, cracking me in the jaw. I look down my prone body and spy the still body of Bombor.
